Sleep hygiene: what are the rules to follow

Sleep hygiene: what are the rules to follow

Aug 11, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Sleep hygiene refers to the set of good practices and habits that allow for quality, continuous, restful sleep. Its importance cannot be underestimated: a good night's rest is essential for keeping our energy high, for concentration, and for a general state of health.

In this article, we will take you through an exploration of sleep hygiene, showing how it changes at different stages of life: from newborn, through infancy, and into adulthood. In addition, we will discuss how Pharmaflex products, such as orthopedic mattresses, orthopedic toppers, and orthopedic pillows, can help ensure proper sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene in infants

Sleep hygiene in infants has its own specificities and plays a key role in promoting quality sleep, which is essential for the child's growth and development. Unlike adults, infants sleep at intervals throughout the day and night, so it is important to create a sleep environment that promotes deep and uninterrupted rest.

One of the most important aspects of sleep hygiene in infants is maintaining a clean and safe sleeping environment. The crib or crib should be placed in a quiet place, away from loud noises or bright lights. The mattress should be of an appropriate size for the crib or crib to avoid spaces where the baby could get stuck. It is essential to avoid filling the crib with stuffed toys or blankets, which could pose a choking hazard.

In addition, choosing the right mattress is vital for your baby's safety and comfort.

I Pharmaflex orthopedic mattresses for infants are designed to provide maximum support and comfort for little ones. Made from high-quality materials, these mattresses promote a peaceful and restful sleep by supporting the child's spine in the correct position.

Creating a stable sleep routine can also help your newborn sleep better. Try establishing regular rituals such as a soothing bath or a bedtime song to signal to your little one that it's time to sleep.

Remember, each baby is unique and may need some time to adjust to a sleep routine. With patience, consistency, and the right products, you can foster optimal sleep hygiene for your newborn.

Sleep hygiene in children

As children age, their sleep needs change and become more similar to those of adults. As children grow older, their sleep routines become more stable and their sleep hours gradually decrease. During this period, it is critical to continue to ensure good sleep hygiene to support their growth and development.

A consistent routine before bedtime can make a big difference in promoting restful sleep in children. This could include relaxing activities such as reading a book, listening to soft music, or taking a warm bath. It is also important to limit exposure to bright screens such as TVs, tablets and smartphones at least an hour before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by these devices can interfere with the natural production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

In addition, bed comfort is crucial to ensure quality sleep. 

In this regard, the orthopedic toppers Pharmaflex can make all the difference. Made to fit snugly over your existing mattress, orthopedic toppers provide an extra layer of comfort and support, ensuring optimal body weight distribution and improved spinal alignment during sleep.

Children's rooms should be quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature to promote sleep. Consider using blackout curtains, a fan or humidifier to create the ideal sleeping environment.

Sleep hygiene in adults

Sleep hygiene needs in adults differ significantly from those of infants and children. Although the basic need for sleep remains constant, the routines and challenges adults face can make it more difficult to get adequate rest. That is why it is even more important for adults to follow strict sleep hygiene rules.

Habits adults should adopt to promote quality sleep include: maintaining a regular sleep routine, limiting the use of electronic devices before bedtime, avoiding heavy foods and caffeine in the evening hours, and taking time to relax before bedtime.

One of the crucial aspects of good sleep in adults is comfort during rest. 

A good orthopedic pillow can make all the difference. I orthopedic pillows Pharmaflex, for example, are designed to provide optimal support for the head and neck, promoting proper alignment of the spine. This can help reduce the risk of headaches, stiff neck, and other problems related to poor posture during sleep.


In addition to a proper pillow, the quality of your mattress can greatly influence your sleep. An orthopedic mattress or topper can help ensure even distribution of body weight, reducing pressure points and promoting deep, restful sleep.

Remember, good sleep hygiene is not only about quantity, but also about quality.

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