Chronic insomnia: what are the consequences

Chronic insomnia: what are the consequences

Jul 28, 2023Pharmaflex Ltd.

Throughout our lives, most of us experience occasional periods of insomnia. This can be the result of stress, hormonal changes, travel, or other circumstances that alter normal sleep patterns. While occasional insomnia can be annoying, it is usually not a cause for concern and often resolves on its own.

However, when insomnia becomes a constant occurrence, interrupting night sleep for three or more nights a week for at least three months, one enters the territory ofchronic insomnia. This sleep disorder is characterized by constant difficulty in getting to sleep, frequent awakenings during the night, or waking up too early in the morning, making it impossible for the person to regenerate properly.

Symptoms of chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is a persistent sleep disorder that manifests itself through difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or through early awakening without the ability to return to sleep. To be classified as "chronic," these issues must occur for at least three nights a week for a period of three months or more.

Symptoms of chronic insomnia go beyond simply not being able to sleep. They may include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep despite being tired;
  • Waking up frequently during the night;
  • Difficulty going back to sleep after waking up;
  • Waking up too early in the morning;
  • Feeling tired or unrested in the morning after waking up;
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety;
  • Difficulty in attention, concentration, or memory;
  • Increased incidence of errors or accidents;
  • Concern and anxiety about sleep.

Chronic insomnia can affect individuals of all ages, but it is more common in adults and women. In addition, people who are under stress, work shifts, or have certain health problems or mental disorders are more susceptible. Although chronic insomnia is a fairly common sleep disorder, it is often underestimated, under-diagnosed, and inadequately treated. It is important to address chronic insomnia and seek appropriate treatment, as it can have a significant impact on quality of life and overall well-being.

Consequences of chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia goes far beyond a simple lack of sleep. This sleep disorder can have a significant impact on your overall well-being, your quality of life, and your short- and long-term health. This is whyinsomnia is an issue to be concerned about.

It can cause fatigue, concentration problems and increase the risk of accidents in the short term. In the long term, it can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and can intensify symptoms of other medical conditions. In addition to these physical health repercussions,insomnia can negatively affect your daily life, interfering with work, school, relationships and social activities.

After examining the serious consequences of chronic insomnia on health and quality of life, the importance of seeking effective solutions to combat it becomes apparent. An often overlooked, but crucial, element in ensuring quality sleep and potentially alleviating insomnia is the comfort of our bed. In this context, a product such as a topper can make all the difference.

Sleep disorders: The role of the topper in improving sleep

A quality topper can play a key role in improving sleep quality, especially if you struggle with insomnia. In fact, a topper can provide extra comfort, relieve pressure points and keep the spine aligned during sleep, thus promoting a more peaceful and deeper rest.

The Pharmaflex topper is distinguished by the use of high-quality materials and the application of innovative technologies. Its breathable design helps regulate body temperature during the night, preventing awakenings caused by excessive heat or cold.

Its special padding adapts to the shape of the body, providing targeted relief to pressure points. This can be especially helpful in reducing sleep disturbances related to physical discomfort.

Orthopedic toppers and sleep

Insomnia can be addressed with a holistic approach that considers the entire sleep environment, not just sleep habits or rhythms. In this context, the use of orthopedic toppers plays a key role. These devices provide proportionate support to the body, reducing pressure on sensitive points and promoting proper alignment of the spine. Such optimal alignment can alleviate pain and discomfort at night, resulting in a more restful and comfortable sleep.

In addition to this, an orthopedic topper helps limit movement during sleep, thus minimizing nighttime interruptions. And because of its ability to mold to the body, it promotes the maintenance of proper posture during sleep, a key element in avoiding frequent awakenings.

Topper cover: an additional tool for improving sleep

A topper cover can add an extra layer of comfort to your bed, further enhancing the quality of your sleep. These covers not only protect the topper from wear and tear and dirt, but can also increase its comfort and extend its lifespan.

In particular, a breathable cover can help maintain the right temperature during the night, preventing overheating or excessive cold that can interrupt sleep. Some covers, such as those offered by Pharmaflex, are made of high-quality, hypoallergenic and easily washable materials to provide you with a more hygienic and healthy sleep.

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