Sleepiness: what it depends on and how to wake up more rested

Sleepiness: what it depends on and how to wake up more rested

Mar 28, 2023Shepherd Ltd.

Sleepiness: what it depends on and how to wake up more rested

 "I'm always sleepy and tired." Does this happen to you too? You are in good company! Sometimes, in fact, it happens that despite many hours of sleep, you still wake up tired and confused. But what does daytime sleepiness depend on? This is a very common question that involves, however, a complex answer. 

Sleep, in fact, is a delicate process, from which much of physical well-being derives. But sleepiness and mood disorders are equally related, because sleeping well, needless to turn around, makes it possible to face the day with greater positivity and enthusiasm. 

Let us, therefore, delve deeper into sleep, identifying the causes of sleepiness and possible remedies to get back to good, long sleep.


What sleepiness depends on: the sleep cycle

Even if you are not aware of it, sleep is composed of several stages, which make up, precisely, the sleep cycle:

  • Falling asleep - is the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep and accounts for 5% of total sleep hours. In this stage, brain activity slows down and slow eye movements appear.
  • Light NREM sleep -this is the phase of light sleep in which the brain waves are very similar to those of the waking state, but the heart rate slows down and the muscles relax. It covers about 45% of total sleep.
  • Deep NREM sleep - covers 25 percent of the time you spend sleeping, a period when heart rates slow further and blood pressure drops. The function of deep sleep is most important, as it provides refreshment for the body, promotes the production of growth hormone, activates the immune system, and allows you to store memories.
  • REM sleep (Rapid Eyes Movement)-this is the dream stage, the one in which our bodies are virtually paralyzed, except for the eyeballs, which, instead, move rapidly. It represents 25 percent of sleep and is characterized by significant instability in heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature. But it is also the time when information stored during the day is stored in memory.

Each stage has its own vital importance and contributes to restful sleep: skipping even one of these stages, therefore, can cause drowsiness and bad mood.


Sleepiness and sleep disorders: how to deal with them

To the question "I suffer from drowsiness, what does it depend on?" it is always difficult to give an immediate answer, because the causes of drowsiness can be of different types, starting with those that can be traced back to a pathology.

The most common disorder that causes drowsiness is gastroesophageal reflux, which caused by improper diet, stress or medication intake, manifests as stomach juices rise from the intestines, causing burning in the stomach and throat. In this case, changing the pillow and choosing an orthopedic one, such as Pharmaflex Reflux, will enable you to assume a more comfortable position during sleep, with which to prevent reflux and remove the cause of drowsiness.


gastroesophageal reflux

Another fairly common condition is sleep apnea, which prevents adequate sleep due to constant awakenings and causes daytime sleepiness, as well as being a high risk factor, especially for frail individuals.

But cervicalgia should also not be underestimated as a cause of drowsiness, since the pain caused by incorrect neck position during sleep can cause micro-awakenings. Again, an orthopedic pillow such as the Pharmaflex Cervical will solve the situation brilliantly.


How to change habits that cause drowsiness 

What does sleepiness depend on? Also on what you do! And once you've identified incorrect sleep habits, you'll also find remedies for sleepiness that will help you face the day with renewed energy.

Repeatedly changing the time of falling asleep and waking up is certainly one of the most common causes of daytime sleepiness. Therefore, create an appropriate routine that can be maintained even on weekends. In the same way, modifying certain behaviors, such as avoiding using electronic devices before falling asleep, will help you get to sleep earlier, sleep better and sleep longer. The environment in which you sleep also matters. A comfortable, dark bedroom with the right temperature will promote sleep. 


Hybrid mattress


If you then think that the cause of sleepiness may depend on the mattress you sleep on, you can always replace it with Pharmaflex's Hybrid orthopedic mattress, which is approved by the Ministry of Health. Alternatively, if you really don't feel like buying a new mattress, you can solve the problem brilliantly with the Pharmaflex Topper, which will improve the surface of the bed and ensure that your body is in the correct position for sleeping.

And, of course, refrain from taking alcohol and caffeine after 6 p.m. to prevent these substances from interfering with sleep quality.


Sleepiness what it depends on: sleep-promoting nutrition 

Ever heard of the combination of sleepiness and nutrition? The correlation is there and it is important! In fact, drowsiness can also depend on what you eat, and we are not just talking about the need to eat light, fat-free evening meals.

In fact, to get a good night's sleep and avoid daytime sleepiness, you should try to eliminate animal protein from your evening menu, but especially to favor steamed, grilled, baked, and broiled foods to prevent your body from having to work harder for digestion, increasing your blood pressure and heart rate. 

vegetablesAlso, be aware that some foods, due to their properties, promote sleep by helping you fight daytime sleepiness. These include bananas, which are rich in muscle-relaxing magnesium and potassium, and walnuts, which, as research at the University of Texas has shown, would be able to increase melatonin production, thus promoting sleep.

Equally helpful is the intake of vegetables, especially lettuce, red radicchio, squash and cabbage, which boast marked sedative properties that will help you fall asleep with ease.

Should we, also, remind you that a good glass of warm milk before going to bed helps you sleep immediately and better? It's not the classic grandmother's advice, it's science! Thanks to the tryptophan it contains, melatonin production increases and sleep comes sooner. 

In short, instead of asking yourself what sleepiness depends on, ask yourself what you are willing to do to combat it. In most cases, in fact, drowsiness depends on you.

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